By Faith

I’ve been reading in Hebrews. (Hebrews 11). Within this powerful book lies the very passages I need to build my faith. We can read of the countless examples of those who took one more step BY FAITH. Those whose lives were spared BY FAITH. Those who defied the odds BY FAITH. Those who, BY FAITH, had a dream of creating something life-changing and history changing. Generations of people who rested in God’s promise. These BY FAITH examples are referred to as Witnesses for our past, present, and future generations.

Who in your Christian walk has been an Ambassador of God’s unfailing ability to nurture within us a greater understanding of His grace and His ability to exchange our weakness for His strength. Whose life has blessed you and built up your faith to continue to run the race that lies before you? Think back to the important people He has put in your life to encourage you- not by their perfection -but by their ability to allow us to see God’s hand at work during their struggle.

Now ask yourself: Could YOU be a BY FAITH example for someone else? Are you brave enough to speak of your struggles? Could you talk about how you missed the mark or the time when your own sweat and tears just weren’t enough? Let’s pray together that God will allow each one of us to share a BY FAITH testimony today to lift up someone in need.